Trust, Faith - hmm... seems as though I have been through this lesson.
Why O why God are you taking me through this yet again? Maybe it's to 'relearn' the lesson I went through before, or maybe it's that He's taking me into a deeper level to learn more about faith and trust. Whichever it is, I just hope I'm a better pupil than I was years before. It seems that the verse that is ever present in the back of my mind is Psalm 37:23-25 "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread."
As I read that passage yet again, I am reminded of my daughter, my youngest daughter. She's only two and can walk and run quite well, however there are times when she's unsure of her steps and reaches out to grab my hand. And I'm there to take her hand and guide her over the 'rocky steps'. This is Christ to me. My family is about to embark on a new yet scary journey - my husband is wanting to change careers. It's amazing how much money is such a security until it's taken away. I am learning to know what it means to trust and have faith in God that He will do as He says in His word. He will take care of the godly, those that desire to follow in His footsteps and walk in His will. He is to me what I am to my daughter. He won't let me fall, He won't let my family fall. He is faithful to take care of His own, and I have to simply trust in Him, and at times can be harder because I take my eyes off the cross and begin looking at the mighty gigantic waves about to crash over me. Yet somehow they don't. We have the funds to supply all our needs - the waves are kept at bay. My God keeps them at bay. It brings tears to my eyes to know that this great and powerful God is truly watching over me and my family. He cares that much about my little somewhat insignificant life. " He delights in every detail of their lives... for the Lord holds them by his hand..." So yes I can trust Him, I can lean on Him and I can believe that what He says He will do. I just need to keep my focus on the Cross and not the waves.
Song that has been on my heart for months now is: His eye is on the sparrow.
Hey, didn't know you have a blog.. Cool! I have enjoyed reading your blogs. Keep it up..