Tonight my sister-n-law and I were in our Bible study, and though we talked about many good things, there is one thing that stood out to me. It was about God's character to us. The Israelites treated and continue to treat God disrespectfully, yet He is faithful to them, because that is Who He is. The Israelites are His people, and He is faithful to His own. For us who have called on the name of Jesus - we are adopted into His family, and we are now heirs of the King of Kings, and no matter what we do or don't do, God is faithful to us, simply because He cherishes and takes care of His own. I know I have read this over and over, and know that God is faithful, but for some reason tonight, it touched a nerve in my heart. Understanding this on a deeper level only deepens my devotion to God because of His love towards me.
I am His. Nothing can change that. He will be faithful to me because that is His character. What an amazing and loving Father I have. I can't even begin to fathom His great love towards me, little O me. I gave Him the reigns to my heart when I was 13yrs old, and I have grown to love Him more and more each day, but it can still not ever compare to the great love He has just for me, and for all those Who call upon His name for salvation. This little thought completely humbles me, because who am I really that God would send His Son to die just for my sins? Just so that I can be a part His family, so that He can lavish His love on me. "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound Amazing Love now flowing down from hands and feet that were nailed to the tree. Amazing grace now covers me!"
Good words, Courtney! =) Thanks for sharing.