Hmm, I think I will try out this blog thingie out - not sure how successful I will be at it, or if anyone would even be interested in reading my ramblings but here goes. I'm rolling up my sleeves, and commencing to type, so this should be fun at least. :-) I'm not sure I will have much time for it either, what between raising three toddlers, keeping my home in order, and going to school for a teaching degree, but hey I'm gonna give this a whirl! :-)
I don't consider myself a very interesting person, but I do like to share what Christ teaches me in the moments when I am actually learning from the life lessons He gives me. So as I begin to write down my thoughts, my question is this: When do we get to old for Christ? There was a song I was singing by Avalon entitled, 'I don't wanna go'. And the essence of the song is saying that I don't ever want to walk a road where Christ is not present, or go down a path that leads me away from Him. As I said before I am a mother to three small children, and when one of them gets hurt, feels sad, or happy, or tired, they always come to momma - the one person they know will give them comfort. It's amazing what I can learn from my children. They do adventure out on their own, exploring the world around them with big wide open eyes, but they never go far from where I am at. I think this is what our relationship with Christ needs to be, always seeing Him through the eyes of a child and never letting Him out of our eyesight. We do adventure out on our own a bit, but we need to also run right back to Him. He's excited to see what new adventure we have learned, or when we come Him because our hearts are heavy or when we're sad and even happy. It's amazing to me how wonderful He is at being a parent, no matter what our age.
For me Christ is real, His love for me is real, His communication with me is real, and that's just not something I want to loose... ever. So if that makes me like a child, with a child-like faith, I'd gladly accept the role vs a grown up who doesn't have time for Christ and His ways.
I love this!